Thousand Oaks, California, Summer of '72... ahhh, the smell of sage in the morning.
A rehearsal break outside our Ol' T.O. studio, tuning up for a 'Prog Fest' tour in Waterloo, Belgium n' Amsterdam, Holland with Focus.
Cast from left to right: Wally Stoltze (on keyboards n' sake), Steve Stewart (lead vocals, guitar n' flute),
Jim Rolfe (lead guitar n' mellotron) Keith Heins (drums n' laughs), Me (with a head of hair on bass n' beans), Jerry McMillan (vocals n' percussion).
COAT evolved from 'Treeherder' Jerry McMillan's T.O. bands,
Children of the Mushroom adding Jim and later forming 'Lady' with Wally.
'Those were the Days, yes they were...'