Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ronaldo Non Recordo

The Brain that Wouldn't Die

I was asked to babysit the Beck sisters across Palele Street, Hawaii 1966.
They talked me into letting them stay up for 'Beard's Wierd'. The bearded host with a flashlight under his chin, was hosting, 'The Brain that Wouldn't Die'.
It was too scary for the sisters, so they went to bed and left me alone in the television glow.
During a commercial break I went to the bathroom and from the corner of my eye, spotted a white styrofoam wig head sitting on a table top in their beautician Mother's bedroom... I missed the bowl.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Strawberry Lizards Forever

The Anole chameleon is a common guest of my screened patio here in Florida.
I love when they 'Show me the Money'... today was a payday.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bullhorn Twotails

T'was a good friend ov' mine, BlT.

Captured on screen... some Lizard love-

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lizard Play

They meet every day at 4:19 on either side of my patio screen.

Like the lovers in Bowie's 'Heroes'; uniting through the Berlin Wall,
 there, where it once stood.

Friday, March 21, 2014

LA Famiglia

...met this family on my last visit to L.A.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spiny Orb Morning

I was greeted by three Spiny Orb Spiders this morning, all content in their webs.
Their masked backs looked down unthreatened.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cast of a Thousand

Thousand Oaks, California, Summer of '72... ahhh, the smell of sage in the morning.
A rehearsal break outside our Ol' T.O. studio, tuning up for a 'Prog Fest' tour in Waterloo, Belgium n' Amsterdam, Holland with Focus.
Cast from left to right: Wally Stoltze (on keyboards n' sake), Steve Stewart (lead vocals, guitar n' flute),
Jim Rolfe (lead guitar n' mellotron) Keith Heins (drums n' laughs), Me (with a head of hair on bass n' beans), Jerry McMillan (vocals n' percussion).
COAT evolved from 'Treeherder' Jerry McMillan's T.O. bands, Children of the Mushroom adding Jim and later forming 'Lady' with Wally.
                                                                   'Those were the Days, yes they were...'

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pictures of the Past...

...change their meaning fast.

                                                                                 Goat and Sunrise

One of my first oil paintings, circa '76, inspired by my surroundings (light and music) at the time.
My hometown, Santa Barbara from its mountain ridge looking east,
a sunrise on the Pacific Coast.

A gift returned.